Events and productions
We imagine, write and produce inspiring formats for your conventions, plenaries, Lives or videos..
Whistcom is the first oral strategy consultancy.
Nous rendons le monde de l’entreprise meilleur grâce à la parole engageante des dirigeants.
We help business executives become more inspiring by working across all three aspects of public speaking: form, content and format.
Etre engageant, ce n’est pas « bien parler », mais rather speaking “for others” to get its audience on board with its projects (in front of employees, customers, shareholders, journalists, etc.).
Selon l’étude Whistcom-OpinionWay, 75% des salariés considèrent que la capacité de leur dirigeant à engager à l’oral exerce une influence décisive sur leur implication, leur fidélité et leur bien-être au quotidien. Mais paradoxalement, seuls 12% de ces mêmes salariés trouvent les dirigeants vraiment engageants. Il y a un donc un rendez-vous manqué entre une attente forte des salariés et la réponse apportée par les dirigeants. Et l’enjeu est stratégique, au final, il est question de performance and productiveness for organizations.
Amis dirigeants, rassurez-vous, voilà une bonne nouvelle : être engageant ce n’est pas un art, ni un don naturel ! C’est un SPORT. Il faut donc de la technique et de l’entraînement… Et c’est ce que vous apporte le cabinet Whistcom. So welcome! Prepare to love speaking in public.
Whistcom on Europe 1 – Speaking is something you learn!
increased impact in oral delivery thanks to our SPORT method® (2023 average based on self-assessments from executives trained by Whistcom).
Net Promoteur Score : +28 points au-dessus de la norme « excellent » définie par le cabinet Bain. Source : enquête client juin 2024.
executives received training for public speaking in 2023.
We imagine, write and produce inspiring formats for your conventions, plenaries, Lives or videos..
We teach you how to become an inspiring public speaker thanks to our SPORT method® and a variety of training programmes.
We work with you to design tailored solutions to address all of your communication challenges: individual training, bespoke programmes, speech strategy coaching.
We will continue to provide you with ongoing support throughout your career, thanks to our alumni club, once you have integrated the SPORT method®.
Whistcom has received the confidence of executives across all industries and from companies of all sizes.
Sport is essential for a balanced life! And the SPORT method is a crucial solution for delivering balanced, impactful, uplifting, positive and values-driven speeches. Thank you to Whistcom.
After 28 years taking all kinds of training programmes, this one is by far the most concrete and the most important I have ever followed.
Very well constructed course, coherent in the evolution and input of the sessions. The experts are very good and the Whistcom team is very professional!
The Oral delivery course has given me a lot thanks to the diversity and coherence of the modules, and also thanks to the variety and quality of the speakers.